jeb's blackbox website


*liar = politician (the puzzle pieces are coming together now aren't they?)

i am a first time sandy stoner and it feels good. this is a class that i would recommend to all who want to break the bondage of traditional institutional education. now that i am done with my plug for the actlab, on to my very impressive yet very modest webpage (i wanted to let the content speak for itself, and not distract from it with any fancy webpage mumbojumbo)



()h yes, and a humble apology. all of this good stuff should be seen in much higher quality, but this is the internet, and you get what you pay for, or what you don't pay for, whatever the case may be. *and just because i don't have a digital camera doesn't make me less of a person. please accept the easteregg as a bribe


*of or


to the lack

of documentation